Engineered Chemistry | Higher quality raw materials are formulated to attack dirt, rather than positively charge the surface of the car. Our solutions eliminate extremely high pH solutions and the need for a low pH product to help neutralize the car surface.
Superior Rinse | Non-reaction car wash presoak does not charge the surface of the car, making rinse-ability more efficient and effortless. Less surface-tension friction allows a cleaner rinse and minimizes spotting.
Cleaner Cars | Our car wash base detergent provides superior cleaning on a variety of materials: painted surface, glass, rubber, chrome, and plastic. In most cases, it is used as a one-step application.
Safe Car Wash Chemistry | Over 90% of our products are classified as non-corrosive and non-corrosive. Our car wash chemical technology is designed to attack dirt and road film while leaving the car surface, passengers, and the environment intact.
Economical Car Wash Solutions | With a higher dilution than most products on the market, Synergy Solutions’ products yield more productivity and superior results at a lower overall cost to the car wash operator.